Payment Guide
We offer the following convenient payment methods for your orders:
1. Credit Card (クレジットカード)
- We accept major credit cards including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and JCB.
- Your payment will be processed securely and confirmed immediately upon checkout.
2. Bank Transfer (銀行振込)
- You will receive our bank account information during checkout.
- Please make the payment within 3 days of placing your order.
- To confirm your payment, please upload a copy of your bank transfer slip on the order page or contact us by phone at +81-3-1234-5678.
- Your order will be processed once we have confirmed your payment.
Important Notes:
- All prices are displayed in Japanese Yen (JPY) and include consumption tax.
- Please ensure that the payment amount matches the total amount of your order.
- If you encounter any problems during payment, please contact our customer support team.